Tips To Use AI Tools For Powerpoint Presentation Free

PowerPoint is still one of the highest used presentation tools in the market for business and learning. Nevertheless, designing engaging and effective PowerPoint slides as a presentation is considered time-consuming and demanding. This is the area for the use of AI tools to be helpful. Currently, there are many ai tools for powerpoint presentation free can assist you create business-like PowerPoint presentations in a short amount of time.

Following tips in this article from Info Tech will guide you in how to use the best free AI tools to improve your powerpoint presentation. If you need to automate the slide design, generate the content or enhance your presentation, artificial intelligence gives your slides the extra push.

Automated slide design is achievable with the help of Artificial intelligence

Building a PowerPoint involves a walk through the process of looking for an overall design and structure for the presentation. In case of AI design tools, one can get hundreds of slide layouts and color options in less than a blink of an eye. Follow these steps:

1. Go to a site like SlideAI or Slidely and create a new free account with the site.

2. If you have a presentation ready, then click on the upload button to upload your presentation else, click on the new presentation to create a new presentation.

3. Set the AI functionality to apply fonts colors, animations and layout as soon as the proposal is initiated. You will receive several different creative ideas targeted on your presentation subject or range of business.

4. Customize the auto-generated themes as far as you can until you find a look that fits your preference. The AI will keep giving you new recommendations as you perform the edits to the given slides.

5. Export your visually improved presentation in the PowerPoint format for final editioning.

The AI design templates replace the idea battle and speed up PowerPoint styling. It shall be one hell of a beautiful presentation that looks as if it had been created by a professional designer.

It is also easy and fast to generate content through the AI writing tools.

Populating tens of slides with plenty of information is by no means a mere task. Although a few years ago you might have had to type the presentation one bullet point at a time, current generation AI writing software programs can create whole presentations with just a word or two for guidance. Here is the process:

1. Go to an Oral Presentation Writer like Slidebot. All these tools learn the context and the tone of information that is used when creating copy.

2. Enter two or three keywords or an entire phrase related to your presentation topic. For instance, “Sales performance in the 2022 first quarter – an overview.”

3. You can adjust the amount of slides you require, the type of slide, the amount of text and Graphics.

4. Click to have a full, on-brand presentation to your specifications appear in mere seconds. The AI has one responsibility, which is to understand the concept of slide construction where several aspects are taken into consideration including order, words and appearance.

5. Save the presentation onto a computer where additional details may be added or removed before the presentation or before sharing with other practitioners.

In turn, the AI performs all the work at the same time – creating the slide, writing the copy and basic visuals – which would take most of us several hours. This will free up your time to focus on editing the deck instead of coming up with content to put into the deck.

Request Feedback on Presentation Delivery from an Artificial Intelligence

Masterful use of words and mastery of gestures and animations within PowerPoint is meaningless if not accompanied by audience interaction. Thankfully, modern artificial intelligence can sit through your rehearsals and give you feedback on what aspects to work on. Just follow these quick steps:

1. Go to Orai which offers them the chance to use their AI presentation coach. The basic functionality of the site is available to users who complete a free registration.

2. You should practice the speech while using the device microphone, or even the webcam. The gist of it is, try to incorporate voice, facial expressions, gestures – anything tied to delivery.

3. Save the video on the system and feed it into the AI tool. In the blink of an eye, you get a working breakdown of how fast you are, how grammatically correct or incorrect you are, how often you use filler words or how low or high your energy level is and how often you take visual contact etc.

4. As the students receive helpful and encouraging AI commentary on their presentation, they can improve their presentation skills. Use film additional practice rounds to document your other quantifiable progress.

AI computes the nuances most of us are unable to notice, and that’s exactly why an AI presentation coach is helpful in fine-tuning verbal communication where a lot looks like guesswork.

Final Words

Making excellent slides is step one to communicate your ideas successfully. By having the design of the slides, writing of the content to be incorporated and speaking coach, artificial intelligence is handy in the presentation manufacturing process. The following is an Info Tech guide with tips which when employed will make your PowerPoint decks more professional, compelling, and easier to construct, availing of AI capabilities. Therefore adopting ai tools for powerpoint presentation free such as artificial intelligence removes interference and you can start presenting just like a professional.

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