Free AI Tool For Excel Workflows in 2024

While Excel remains a powerhouse for data analysis and spreadsheet creation, its vast functionality can be intimidating, especially for beginners. Free ai tool for excel can bridge this gap, automating tasks, simplifying complex formulas, and boosting your overall productivity. Here’s a look at some of the best free AI tool for Excel in 2024:

1. Formula Bot: Your Friendly AI Formula Guru

Focus: Formula generation and explanation


  • Plain English to Formula Magic: Struggling with complex Excel formulas? Formula Bot is your knight in shining armor. Simply describe your desired outcome in plain English, and the AI will generate the corresponding Excel formula. This eliminates the need to memorize formula syntax or spend hours searching online.
  • Explanation Made Easy: Don’t just get the formula, understand it! Formula Bot provides clear explanations of the generated formulas, breaking down each function and its role within the formula. This not only saves time but also helps you learn and build your Excel knowledge.
  • Multilingual Support: Formula Bot caters to a global audience with support for both English and Spanish. This makes it a valuable free ai tool for excel for users who may not be comfortable with technical English terminology.


  • Limited Customization: While Formula Bot excels at generating core formulas, it may not handle highly specific or complex calculations.
  • Web-Based Tool: This means you’ll need an internet connection to use Formula Bot, which might be inconvenient if you work offline frequently.

2. Ajelix: Your AI-Powered Spreadsheet Assistant

Focus: All-in-one AI toolkit for Excel tasks


  • A Multifaceted Approach: Ajelix goes beyond formula generation. It offers a comprehensive suite of AI tools to improve various aspects of your Excel workflow. This includes data cleaning, data analysis, formula translation, and even VBA script creation.
  • Data Cleaning Made Easy: Eliminate tedious data cleaning tasks! Ajelix can identify and remove duplicates, fix errors, and format your data for better analysis. This frees up your time for more strategic tasks.
  • Unlock the Power of VBA: VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripts can automate repetitive tasks in Excel, but coding them can be challenging. Ajelix offers AI-powered VBA script generation and explanation, making automation accessible even for non-programmers.


  • Free Version Limitations: The free version of Ajelix has limitations on the number of tasks you can perform per month. Upgrading to the paid version unlocks unlimited usage.
  • Learning Curve: Ajelix offers a wide range of features, so there’s a slight learning curve involved compared to simpler free ai tool for excel like Formula Bot.

3. GPT Excel: Your AI Formula Guru & Template Master

Focus: Formula generation, explanation, and template creation


  • Formula Powerhouse: GPT Excel boasts impressive formula generation capabilities. Similar to Formula Bot, you can describe your desired outcome, and the AI will generate the appropriate formula along with explanations.
  • Template Creation Made Easy: Don’t waste time building spreadsheets from scratch! GPT Excel’s AI can create custom Excel templates based on your specific needs. This is a fantastic time-saver for commonly used spreadsheet formats.
  • Beyond Excel: GPT Excel also offers AI-powered tools for Google Sheets, SQL queries, and even basic coding assistance. This makes it a versatile tool for anyone working with data across different platforms.


  • Limited Free Usage: The free version of GPT Excel has limitations on the number of formulas and explanations you can generate. Upgrading unlocks unlimited use.
  • Newer Player: Compared to established free ai tool for excel like Formula Bot, GPT Excel is a relatively new player in the market. While it offers great features, it might require further development to fully mature.

4. Excel Formula Generator & AI Excel Tools: Your One-Stop AI Shop

Focus: Comprehensive AI toolkit for Excel


  • All-Encompassing Approach: Similar to Ajelix, this suite offers a wide range of AI tools for various Excel tasks. These include formula generation, data cleaning, chart creation, and even AI-powered dashboards for data visualization.
  • Free Trial: Unsure which tool fits your needs best? This suite offers a free trial, allowing you to experiment with its features before committing.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface is designed to be user-friendly, with clear menus and easy navigation. This makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced Excel users.


  • Limited Free Version Functionalities: The free version has limitations on the type and number of tasks you can perform. Upgrading unlocks the full functionality.


Free ai tool for excel are revolutionizing how people interact with Excel. Whether you’re a beginner struggling with formulas or a seasoned user seeking efficiency, AI can significantly enhance your workflow. Explore the free options listed above, experiment, and discover how AI can transform your Excel experience. Remember, paid options offer even more extensive functionalities, so consider them if your needs evolve.

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