7 Advanced & Free AI Tools for Web Development

The integration of artificial intelligence apps for the developers of web is now on the rise. Using AI, one is able to write content for his/her blog or website, design the blog or website as well as create repetitive content. This makes work for web developers much easier and saves a lot of precious time.

Now there are a number of great free AI tools designed specifically for web development tasks. Here are 7 top options:

1. Copy.ai

Copy.ai is an AI writing assistant that can write the marketing language, ideas for contents and even a blog content in a single direction. The word limitation is for free version, however it is very helpful for writing content for web sites. All you have to do is type in a topic, style, tone, and even other specific preferences and Copy.ai will give you well-written content.

2. Wix ADI

Wix ADI means Web based Artificial Design Intelligence. Known by its moniker, Web-DWH can create web designs on its own. You feed Wix ADI with details of the site you’d like to build and in return, you receive and professional website, complete with version, images, etc. That is why it saves so much time and effort when it comes to creating a website at all. It does so with considerable restrictions compared to the paid version but allows web building with AI.

3. Phrase

Can be used exclusively for web writing as it is among the phrases of the specified type. It is the paraphrasing tool that is AI based to write the complete text by being grammatically correct, easy to read and totally rewritten. The Free version of the tool can only permit up to 5000 characters which are enough to perform basic rewriting of small scale content such as rewritten website descriptions, product description, meta tags, etc. It eliminates several writing hours that one would have employed only when using word processors or related equipment.

4. Unbounce

Unbounce is an AI optimized tool for landing page building that is stuffed with numerous essential features. It can offer itself in creating landing page oriented towards the prospective customer. The basic plan is pretty generous given that you can create landing pages with chatbots, forms, pop-ups and other features. The free AI web design tool is among the most sophisticated out there.

5. Shortly AI

At some point shortly AI will be able to summarize any length of content into summarize. This is very helpful particularly if one wants to review content on a website in a shorter time. The basic edition only permits as many as one hundred summaries in a month. So that, for example, you can pick out merely the highlights of pages or even whole articles in order to review the completed web sites.

6. UberSuggest

UberSuggest is Neil Patel’s free AI keyword tool. They compile a list of keyword suggestions next to the approximate monthly searches which are instrumental in adjusting the online textual content and site content for the most popular keywords. The free version provides adequate advice for enhancement of on page SEO by focusing on high value keywords.

7. Grammarly

You simply cannot write an article about AI based writing software and not talk about Grammarly. This refers to the checking on the status of writing in terms of grammars, spelling mistakes, punctuations and other problems. The free version detects most common errors when writing or editing website content. With Grammarly, it means you can enhance web content writing standards without having to go through drawn-out writing proofreading.

Tips on AI Tools for Web Development

AI is transforming various sectors and the web development industry is no exception. Here are some tips on how you can utilize AI tools to streamline and enhance your web development workflows:

Do Market Research with AI

AI tools can data-mine millions of distinct pieces of data from the entirety of the web for incredibly useful market and competitor intelligence. To evaluate the website basics, the best tools are SEMrush and Ahrefs that can show search volumes, ranking domains, keyword differences, and topic ideas. This way you can know what your competitors and even find a way to overtake them online.

Build Code with AI Assistance

As opposed to typing each line of code, GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, and Codex can point out completions for AI coders. They break down contextual information to give near precise code suggestions with reference from well over 200 million lines of code. This can let you code faster, and can even bring up practices you are unaware of. The AI is also learning constantly as you work through the different forms of communication including accepting or rejecting suggestions.

Design the First Websites with AI

There is a unique AI tool in web design called Firedrop that is capable of generating website design mockups as soon as you have provided it with some prompts. Million Dollar Features You Pick The Industry your site is in AI determines what’s best for your page types etc Now Just Describe the Purpose and details of the site you want to build and AI will give you professional design concepts for your homepage, about, contact and more. This helps you save an enormous amount of time when it comes to direction of visuals.

Web content creation using AI

Wanting to write all the text for a website can be rather exhausting. Let AI lending a hand for draft copies that you can twist to make them perfect. These include Jasper, Copy.ai, INK, which can write and generate blog posts, product descriptions, FAQs, emails and any other content of and for a website when the user inputs the topic, related key words, tone, and other directing criteria. The AI will be able to write well-researched, and easily readable versions of sentences quicker than people are able to.

Save Time to Use Artificial Intelligence to Perform Keyword Research

Off-page optimization has always been the center if site visibility, especially if one is able to look for high value and low competition keywords. By contrast, using an AI tool such as ÜberSuggest, SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool, and CORA will provide you with all the best keywords that suit your business in a few seconds without having to bootstrap from the Keyword Planner tool. The AI feeds millions of data points to recommend keywords that you could never have dreamt of using on your search.


These are only few of the many new and exciting AI tools which are available for free to help web developers. Web development will not remain immune from the Dominion of AI as AI copywriting assistants to full website builders. These free tools demonstrate how much one can/she or he can benefit from using AI while constructing, marketing, and maintaining websites, among other things.

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